(714) 232-0649

July 2018

Performance Improvement and Corrective Action Plans
Date: July 20, 2018
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Does your facility practice continuous Performance Improvement (PI) assessments, and create and implement Corrective Action Plans based on the data gathered from those assessments? If not, you should be. Putting together a Performance Improvement Team that looks at your facilities systems, policies, procedures, and client care practices is critical in developing a solid foundation for ongoing operations. Also, you know what they say in our industry; if it isn’t written down, it didn’t happen. That being said, it is equally as important to document PI Team meetings, the agenda in that meeting, and what areas were identified as needing a Corrective Action Plan. In fact, nationally accrediting agencies like The Joint Commission (TJC) require it!

Medication Management & Medication Observation Competency Training
Date: July 9, 2018
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Is your facility practicing proper Medication Management policies and procedures? Has your staff completed Medication Observation Competency Testing? Both the Joint Commission (JCAHO) and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) require that your staff that is responsible for medication passes be trained and that evidence of that training is kept in personnel files. Into Action Consulting, Inc. can develop appropriate procedures and policies for your facility that adhere to all supervisory agencies standards and regulations.