Into Action Consulting, Inc.

Medication Management & Medication Observation Competency Training

Is your facility practicing proper Medication Management policies and procedures? Has your staff completed Medication Observation Competency Testing? Both the Joint Commission (JCAHO) and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) require that your staff that is responsible for medication passes be trained and that evidence of that training is kept in personnel files. Into Action Consulting, Inc. can develop appropriate procedures and policies for your facility that adhere to all supervisory agencies standards and regulations.

Improper practices and poorly trained staff can lead to high numbers of medication errors and/or adverse reactions for the individuals being treated. Remember, if mistakes are being repeated, it is not the staff’s fault, it is your responsibility as an owner/director to make sure everyone is properly trained and knowledgeable.

Into Action Consulting, Inc. has seen what can happen when facilities don’t follow state and national regulations and/or accreditation requirements. Our team has 20 years of experience in maintaining current policies and procedures in all things related to the addiction treatment industry.

I’ve included below a Supervision of Medication Self-Administration and Competency Test that I hope is helpful for you. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please reach out to us!

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M. Craig Jewett – CADC II

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